OPENING THE MEDICINE CABINET BEDROOM >look in closet The messiness of the closet reminds you of the days when you and Martin were roommates together. Since the rest of the house is not particularly cluttered, it's apparent that Martin has improved his housekeeping skills somewhat over the years. Nevertheless, the state of the closet and the area under the bed seem like a testament to the natural disorder that always seemed to accompany Martin. For some reason you find this reassuring, almost as if the random forces of chaos could provide Martin with extra wiggle room if he were to find himself in an otherwise hopeless situation. You look through the closet but nothing catches your eye except for a blue jacket and a bath robe. Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >x robe It's a white terry cloth bath robe without pockets. There are letters embroidered on the robe. The letters look like they should read "KM" except that the "K" is written backwards. Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >take robe You take the bath robe out of the closet. Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >take off lab coat You take off the lab coat. Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >wear robe You put on the bath robe. Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >x jacket It's a blue nylon windbreaker jacket with a hood and pockets. Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >look in jacket pockets In the jacket pockets you see a store receipt. Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >take receipt You take the store receipt out of one of the jacket pockets. Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >take yellow dart You take the yellow dart out of the dart board. Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >look under bed You're afraid to look under the bed. You don't want the boogie man to get you. Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >n HALLWAY You see Agador-Spartacus in the bedroom. He's wagging his tail. >w BATHROOM You feel as if you are in a lush rain forest, surrounded by green leaves and warm steamy mist. The bathtub is filled with brightly colored machine tools. You see Agador-Spartacus in the hallway. He's wagging his tail. >x mirror Looking in the mirror you see yourself, a man in his mid-thirties with red hair, green eyes, and a dimple in his chin. You're wearing a white terry cloth bath robe. The letters on the robe don't look backwards in the mirror. They read "MK". Of course, you think. Martin Kessler! Suddenly the medicine cabinet opens.