MOVING THE HIPPOS ZOO ENTRANCE Looking at the large map installed at the zoo entrance, you can see that all of the exhibits must be reached from the center of the zoo, which is directly east of here. You are currently at the zoo entrance, which is on the west side of the zoo. The center of the zoo is to the east. The phone booth is to the west. The penguins are standing next to you. >e ZOO CENTER There is a vendor here selling balloons. The price is five balloons for $9.95. Huey, Dewey, Louie, Stewie, and Chuck are jumping up and down, pointing their flippers at the balloons. There are exhibits to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, and southwest. The zoo entrance is to the west. >sw SOUTHWEST EXHIBIT There is a giant spider here. The sign says that his name is Kafka. A fence surrounds the exhibit. The center of the zoo is to the northeast. The way is blocked in all of the other directions. The penguins are standing next to you. >x kafka The giant spider is named Kafka. >ne As you leave the southwest exhibit, you have the strange feeling that you sensed something odd about Kafka. ZOO CENTER There is a vendor here selling balloons. The price is five balloons for $9.95. Huey, Dewey, Louie, Stewie, and Chuck are jumping up and down, pointing their flippers at the balloons. There are exhibits to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, and southwest. The zoo entrance is to the west. >s SOUTH EXHIBIT There is a mother hippo and a baby hippo here. The sign says that their names are Olga and Katrinka. The baby hippo is looking with longing at your rubber duckie. The south exhibit shares water with the southeast exhibit. A closed gate separates the two exhibits. There is a lever mounted near the gate. The lever is currently pushed down. A fence surrounds the exhibit. The center of the zoo is to the north. The way is blocked in all of the other directions. The penguins are standing next to you. >x olga The mother hippo is named Olga. She looks quite formidable. >x katrinka The baby hippo is named Katrinka. >n ZOO CENTER There is a vendor here selling balloons. The price is five balloons for $9.95. Huey, Dewey, Louie, Stewie, and Chuck are jumping up and down, pointing their flippers at the balloons. There are exhibits to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, and southwest. The zoo entrance is to the west. >se SOUTHEAST EXHIBIT There is crocodile here. The sign says that his name is Captain Hook. The southeast exhibit shares water with the south exhibit. A closed gate separates the two exhibits. There is a lever mounted near the gate. The lever is currently pushed down. A fence surrounds the exhibit. The center of the zoo is to the northwest. The way is blocked in all of the other directions. The penguins are standing next to you. >x captain hook The crocodile is named Captain Hook. He looks quite formidable. >x lever The lever is mounted near the gate. The lever is currently pushed down. >push lever up The lever is now pushed up. The gate opens. >nw ZOO CENTER There is a vendor here selling balloons. The price is five balloons for $9.95. Huey, Dewey, Louie, Stewie, and Chuck are jumping up and down, pointing their flippers at the balloons. There are exhibits to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, and southwest. The zoo entrance is to the west. >give fifty dollar bill to vendor You give the fifty dollar bill to the vendor. The vendor gives one balloon to each of the five penguins. The vendor gives you two twenty dollar bills and a nickel. You take the money from the vendor. You watch the penguins run off with their balloons, headed northeast. A penguin feather drops to the ground. You bend down to pick it up. When you stand up again and look around, you see that the vendor has gone. >ne NORTHEAST EXHIBIT There is a tiger here. The sign says that his name is Godot. The tiger growls at you. A fence surrounds the exhibit. The center of the zoo is to the southwest. The way is blocked in all of the other directions. Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Chuck are here, pointing upwards and looking very upset. Floating high in the air, directly above the exhibit, is Stewie. He's holding all five helium balloons. The other penguins are jumping up and down, trying to tell Stewie that he should let go of one of the balloons so that he will come back down to the ground. But Stewie is afraid to come down in the exhibit with the tiger. >x tiger The tiger is named Godot. He looks like he's waiting for someone, perhaps a fashion consultant. No doubt he's considering changing his stripes. Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Chuck are here, pointing upwards and looking very upset. Floating high in the air, directly above the exhibit, is Stewie. He's holding all five helium balloons. The other penguins are jumping up and down, trying to tell Stewie that he should let go of one of the balloons so that he will come back down to the ground. But Stewie is afraid to come down in the exhibit with the tiger. >sw As you leave the northeast exhibit, you have the strange feeling that you sensed something odd about Godot. You could have sworn that he seemed somewhat dissatisfied with being a tiger. What an absurd notion! ZOO CENTER There are exhibits to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, and southwest. The zoo entrance is to the west. Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Chuck run into the zoo center from the northeast exhibit. They head towards the east exhibit. >se SOUTHEAST EXHIBIT There is crocodile here. The sign says that his name is Captain Hook. The southeast exhibit shares water with the south exhibit. The gate that would normally separate the two exhibits has been opened. The lever is pushed up. A fence surrounds the exhibit. The center of the zoo is to the northwest. The way is blocked in all of the other directions. >throw duckie You throw the rubber duckie into the exhibit. The baby hippo swims through the open gate towards the rubber duckie. The crocodile approaches the baby hippo with a menacing display of sharp crocodile teeth. Then the mother hippo swims through the gate to protect her baby by confronting the crocodile. It looks like a standoff!