OPENING THE BLACK DOME KITCHEN On the east wall is an archway containing a stone door. Next to the stone door is an electrical outlet, and next to the outlet is a large Black Box. You also see a long shelf running along the east wall. Along the north wall you see two bowls on the floor. A small video screen is in the center of the north wall. On the west wall is the kitchen sink. When facing the sink, you see a door-sized opening to the left of the sink and a door labeled "LAUNDRY ROOM" to the right of the sink. On the south wall is a doorway leading to the dining room. You see a tray containing a glass of root beer on the platform above the Black Box. You see an envelope, a large stack of catalogs, a phone bill, a gold key, "The Bedtime Story Book", "The Boy Who Had No Words", a yellow feather, a small phone book, a short blue sock, a long black sock, a handwritten note, a bath robe, a pair of brown shoes, a short brown sock, a short black sock, some ballet slippers, a fake can of spam, a mug of black coffee, a plucked daisy, a plucked tulip, two short white socks, a brass token, a copper key, a large towel, a small Phillips screwdriver, a small tape recorder, and a basket here. >e OUTSIDE THE BACK DOOR >n BY THE RASPBERRY BUSH You see Agador-Spartacus in the area by the flat rock. He's wagging his tail. >nw BY THE FLAT ROCK Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >swing watch (first taking the watch out of the pocket) The watch swings back and forth hypnotically. It's difficult to see the watch while it's swinging, but for a moment you think that you see the misty image of a train conductor on the cover of the watch. The conductor seems confused and looks as if he needs you to tell him what time it is. Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >say "1:44" to conductor You say "1:44" to the train conductor. The conductor smiles and nods his head briefly before his image fades and disappears. Then the watch stops swinging and pops open. Archimedes' arms now show the time as 1:44. Agador-Spartacus stands before you, wagging his tail affably. >put watch in pocket (first closing the watch) The pocket watch is now in one of the trouser pockets. Agador-Spartacus leaves the area by the flat rock going southeast, headed for the area by the raspberry bush. >snap (your fingers) SNAP! The watch beeps twice. The train, which is at the platform above the lab bench, blows its whistle. Looking through the window you see that the train leaves the platform above the lab bench and continues south, exiting the lab through a tunnel-shaped opening in the southwest corner. >wait Time passes... >wait Time passes... >wait Time passes... Looking through the window you see that the train, carrying a tray containing a glass of lemonade, enters the lab from the southeast corner and goes north along the wall. It then comes to a stop at the platform above the lab bench. Looking through the window you see that the small white hand takes the tray containing a glass of lemonade off of the train and puts it on the platform. This causes the green candle to fall off of the platform and onto the lever, pushing it down. The dome opens! The green candle is now on the floor.