PLANTING THE SYCAMORE SEED RAVINE (across from the sycamore grove) You are on the edge of a deep ravine with a swiftly flowing creek at the bottom. The ravine and the creek run from the northwest to the southeast. The drop down into the ravine is breathtakingly steep and you find the view magnificent. Looking across the ravine you see a grove of sycamore trees. The other side of the ravine is closer here than it is elsewhere, but the gap is still much too wide to leap across. A rocky path leads northwest and upwards along the edge of the ravine. Thorny bushes block travel in all other directions except for a narrow pathway leading southwest. >sw STRAIGHT PATHWAY >sw BY THE FLAT ROCK >sw NEXT TO THE PATCH OF DIRT >plant sycamore seed You plant the sycamore seed. Your second other self enters from the northeast.